
Welcome to our Weddingkard


About Us

Explain to you how all this mistaken denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and we will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings. Mistaken denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and we will give you complete account of the system expound.

About Us
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Wedding Kard

We craft beautiful designs that connects you to your loved ones.

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Our Mission

What do we do ?? We have wide range of Royal Indian wedding cards. So if you are looking for Digital Invite you are at Right Place. Wondering what else we can help you with ? So here we are with our Greeting Cards that can make easy for you to express your feeling to loved ones. We tried to bring feel of opening real greeting card in a Digital one. On top of everything we want our Level Best to have a customer relation like Tata and Zappos.

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Our Vision

Who are we ?? Celebrare is a startup backed by students of IIT Hyderabad working in the digital India sector to transform the way of invitations and wishes. We design beautiful invitations, greetings and various graphics templates to make the dates more memorable and lovable by expressing your feelings. We put people first, and value craft and simplicity in our work. Our teams inspire college students around the world, helping them innovate and explore.

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Our Working Ability

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Why Choose Us

We do not Buy from the
Open Market

Compellingly fashion intermandated opportunities and multimedia based fnsparent e-business.